March 31, 2011

Always Be Epic TV - EPISODE 7 - Edward Aten

“To me, being EPIC is trying without fear of failure “. With Epic Man just over 3 weeks away, we are proud to announce another 2011 team member, Edward Aten! Ed is our 2nd West Coast team member for 2011, and founder of Check out his intro video and stay tuned for blog posts from Ed in these last 3 weeks leading up to Epic Man. One more new 2011 team member intro video to come next week. Stay tuned right here to or on our FACEBOOK PAGE for updates from Ed and the rest of the 2011 team.

March 28, 2011

Always Be Epic TV - Episode 6 - Bianca Pettinicchi

We are proud and excited to announce the newest member of our 2011 team, and first female (!!) team member, Bianca Pettinicchi! Bianca is from Boston, MA and her Epic resume includes a recent trip from Boston to San way of bicycle. Stay tuned right here and to our facebook page for blog posts from Bianca leading up to the Epic Man kickoff, as well as for the last few of our Epic Man 2011 team member intro videos!

March 18, 2011


Hello Hello!

Its March 18th, that means we are one month away from completing Epic Man 2011, my first Epic Man journey ever, and hopefully not the last. I started training about 5 months ago, slowly running and slowly getting my legs back in shape on the bike trainer. Now as we are only weeks away from the Epic Man I need to kick things in high gear.

I went on a training ride yesterday from Portsmouth NH to Boston, not the exact route we will be taking but I got a great feel for the distance and time it took to ride the 75 miles. My bike and I have traveled a lot together over the past year and I almost forgot in these winter days how much I enjoy distance riding and taking a whole day to just explore and wander on my trusty steed.

It was one of the nicest days so far of the year and riding along the coast was beautiful! Hopefully we score some great weather during our Epic Man adventure. One more month and then one more goal to cross off the list!

March 15, 2011


24 hours.
What can you accomplish within one 24 day?
Wake up, eat some cheerios, work, do some more work, etc…this is often the typical path of events. (?)
EpicMan takes this idea, turns it and persuades yourself to really see what you can accomplish in 24 hours. Both individually and cohesively working with other people, a lot can be accomplished within one given day. What actions are you taking on that day that is for something in the future? Whether for your career, hobby or a random personal goal, training for the EpicMan has already taught me a few of these things. Taking things day by day, everything will lead up to that one day April 17th where the idea of what you can accomplish in 24 hours is put to the test:
2.5 mile kayak
157 mile overnight bike
26.2 mile run
Each one of my days for the past few months have been set on this, and the next month or so will be nothing different.

I came to realize the impact of what one day has between January 17th and 18th of 2011. As I was finishing up my 2 week stint out in the Rockies of Colorado, the snow had been, well…epic. I didn’t think anything could top my stay in Lake Tahoe for New Years Eve, but Ullr had something else to say about that as I finished my extended stay out West. Word on the street had been 1½ - 2 feet overnight ending around 9am on the 18th for a bluebird pow day. (Anyone else’s particulars tingling as you read that?) As I woke up, I turned on the local channel to get the latest, 2+ feet had fallen. Go time. Although I don’t ski, the below video documents the epic status of powder that had fallen on the 18th. (note: video does NOT include heard “WOOO’s!!” heard from around the mountain)

Getting the 3rd chair up, I lapped peak 10 for 3 hours because there was enough snow that terrain really didn’t matter. After 3+ hours on the hill, I took off to the Front Range. On my drive home I realized it was my long run day! This was tough, because just like after a long, romantic evening with a beautiful woman, I was exhausted.
I arrived in 55 degree Denver, where it was a world apart from terrain I had been just a few short hours ago. Suns out = guns out. It was time to do my 14 miles. Running in Washington Park, there were many things to think about; the 3 month mark to EpicMan, the birthday of my late Mother, the epic end to my stay in the mountains earlier that morning, or how I was going to put forth most of my EpicMan efforts to helping out the HighFives foundation. Finally finishing the longest run I had in my training since it began, I had reflected back on my day. Having the opportunity to ride in the AM and then run 14 miles in the afternoon. This reiterated why I was amped to have chosen HighFives Foundation to run for! Having the opportunity to push my body to extreme limits is something that I have learned to not take for granted. With applying myself throughout the day, I immediately went home to work on the first stages of launching the EpicMan/HighFives donation page.

Speaking earlier that week with Roy from High Fives, my excitement grew and it was a great way to end/begin the next phase of my training.

Fast forward to present day, I am continuing to apply myself to both training and ways to better my 24 hours. I can only hope that this journey with the entire EPIC MAN 2011 TEAM continues to be inspiring to myself and others…even beyond the finish line @ Boston on April 18th, 2011.


March 14, 2011

Always Be Epic TV - EPISODE 5 - Jason Greenblatt

We are proud to announce Jason Greenblatt as the newest member of the 2011 Epic Man team! Jason is originally from New England but lives in Santa Monica, California making him the first West coaster to join the team! Jason is livin' the dream... and dreamin' about the finish line on Boylston street as he works hard to prepare for the entire Epic Man journey in 2011. Stay tuned for the next Always Be Epic TV episode introducing the next Epic Man 2011 team member, coming soon.

March 10, 2011

"The Road to Epic Man 2011" - CHECK PLEASE!

2009 was about just seeing if we could do it and holding up our end of the “challenge”. 2010 was about inspiring others to “BE EPIC” and supporting charities that allow others to Be Epic, all while challenging ourselves even “more” than in 2009. 2011 is all about the entire TEAM supporting, carrying, and spreading the “Always Be Epic” message to as many people as possible. It’s not about the # of miles or the finish line and never will be; it’s about being Epic, spreading Epic, inspiring Epic in others, and challenging yourself to “ALWAYS BE EPIC”.

To kick off this year’s EPIC MAN event, we are excited to announce “ THE ROAD TO EPIC MAN 2011”.

For those of you that have followed along since Day 1 – you may remember that the original idea for Epic Man grew out of a “spirited” discussion amongst friends one night in October of 2008 at the Downtown Lounge in Portland, Maine over handful of Miller High Life beers. That evening, Seth and Will came up with Epic Man challenge, and the conversation ended with each one saying to the other: “You won’t do it…”. Neither one of us wanted to be the one to back out of the original challenge, and thus “The Epic Man” was born.

To pay homage to the “roots” of Epic Man, we will start the “Road to Epic Man 2011” at the birthplace of Miller High Life at the Plank Road Brewery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We will explore the Brewery, meet some of the brew masters, and of course….enjoy a few cold High Life’s. Then, we will set off on a 100 mile journey by Bike from Milwaukee to Chicago down the coast of Lake Michigan. We are working on a special project w/ OAKLEY New England around this whole story, so stay tuned for more info!!

When we arrive in Chicago by bike, we will meet a group of runners for a Happy Hour “Magnificent Mile” run on none other than…(wait for it)....the famous Magnificent Mile. This one mile happy hour run will be in support of Chicago based non-profit, “Charity4Life”. Charity4Life's mission is to support underdeveloped communities through grassroots NGO's, focusing on street children, empowering them to reach their full potential. Those that come out for the run will specifically be supporting C4L’s next mission to Haiti, scheduled for April 29 to May 4. We will start & finish at a few local bars along the Mag Mile. More info to come on locations, registration, etc. In the meantime, any questions can be sent to

From Chicago, we will hop in the car to continue the “Road to Epic Man” and drive all the way to NYC.

In NYC we will meetup with a group of runners that are ready to “Paint the town E.P.I.C”. In cooperation with Runkeeper, we will map out a route covering all of Manhattan to spell out E.P.I.C. in the streets of NYC. NYC is definitely one of the most epic places on earth, so what better way to celebrate that than by painting the town EPIC as part of the “Road to Epic Man 2011”. Stay tuned for LOTS more info on this fun project, and more on how you can join us in NYC. The above image is NOT the final route, but will give you an idea of what we will be doing. The run will be anywhere from 10-15 miles long.

From NYC we will drive up to Boston where we will meet the rest of the team members at the Boston Marathon Expo to pick up our bib #’s and eat far too many food samples from all of the vendors. We will also head to Landry’s on Commonwealth Ave to pick up a few bikes for the Epic Man team. Landry’s has been helping out with Epic Man support since year 1, which we are very thankful for. We will also be eating a mid-day meal at one of our favorite spots – The Otherside Café, right down the street from the Expo. Feel free to join for some eats or a few beers. More info to come on timing, stay tuned.

From Boston, we will head up to Maine with the entire team on Saturday Morning April 16 to “get ready” as a team for the crazy journey that will all embark on starting the next day. By “get ready” …we mean, jumping out of a plane! What better way to get pumped up than by skydiving from 12,000 feet with the team? Enough said. Post jump, we will have a team dinner in Portland, Maine and put the final preparations together for the next day, the start to The Epic Man.

Sunday morning, join us and The Sisters Wish for a ONE mile run/walk in Portland to kick off Epic Man 2011. The run will start at approximately 8:30AM. At the conclusion of the run/walk, supporters will board a Casco Bay ferry for a brunch cruise to Peak’s Island to wish the Epic Man team well on the start of their journey via kayak/swim from Peaks Island to Portland, ME. For more info on the 1 mile EPIC run & brunch cruise supporting The Sisters Wish, please contact LOTS more info to come on this portion of the journey.

The last few years we have kayaked from Peaks Island to Portland. THIS YEAR, Will and Ted Mitchell are planning to SWIM (yes, the entire 2.5 miles in the cold cold Atlantic). The rest of the team will kayak alongside of them.

When we have all arrived in Portland, ME, Epic Man team members and supporters will gather at Flatbread Company on Commercial Ave for a few beers and some lunch from 11:30 to 1:30. Starting at 1:00PM, we will begin sending off the first “waves” of cyclists who are joining us for the 50 mile bike ride from Portland to Portsmouth, NH. This portion of the Epic Man journey is being sponsored by TREK PORTSMOUTH. We will end the 50 mile journey at the Trek Store in Portsmouth, NH for another party and some food from Chipotle. If you are interested in joining the team on the TREK Portland to Portsmouth journey, please contact Like last year, the Trek Portland to Portsmouth ride will benefit Team Trevor! Again, more details coming soon.

After the TREK Portsmouth Party, the Epic Man team will push off for the overnight, 107 mile bike ride from Portsmouth,NH to Hopkinton,MA. When we arrive in Hopkinton, we will change up our gear, and get ready to run the 115th Boston Marathon.

IN ADDITION *** Epic Man 2011 team members are representing different Epic organizations that inspire them as part of their journey in 2011. For example, Jason Greenblatt and Tyler Bradbury are raising money for HIGH FIVES. Check out thier info/post HERE.

After we cross the finish line on Boylston Street, join us for an Epic Man post party celebration with Social Boston Sports at McGreevy’s right on Boylston.

……BUT WAIT! The party is not over…. (Is it ever?!) After the McGreevy’s daytime party on the 18th, the Epic Man 2011 Team will shower and change up and head over to River Gods in Cambridge where Will and Seth will DJ River God’s weekly series called “Weekly Wax” with an “EPIC” themed evening from 8PM to 12AM to celebrate the journey and wrap up “The Epic Man” for 2011. We couldn’t be more excited for this year’s team, this year’s event, and for your continued encouragement and support of all of our partner charities and organizations, as well our message: “ALWAYS BE EPIC”. Stay tuned right here at THE EPIC MAN site for Blog Posts from all of our 2011 team members, and to our Facebook page at to follow along day to day as we get closer and closer to GO TIME!


As I sit here in the Las Vegas Airport, for the second time in two weeks, my body is not only recovering from the epic parties, but also the 16 mile run last week,, followed by the hardest circuit training class I have ever taken. It may sound easy, but try doing a pyramid of push ups, jump squats, and burpees (combo of push up and jump squat) for 20 minutes straight as fast as you can. You start at 1 each, and ending at 15 each. Essential it comes out to 120 reps of each. High 5 yourself if you can finish this in 20 minutes, because it is way harder than it sounds.

Speaking of way harder than it sounds and High Fives, check out this link of my man Phil Hoban making miracles happen. Only 2 months ago he was ripping down a chute at Squaw when his binding broke and unfortunately sent him into a rock, leaving his C4 and C5 severed. The doctors didn't think he would be walking or out of the hospital by now, but he is fully walking, and living back at home in Truckee. The fresh powder he now sees falling on the mountain only gives him more strength to keep pushing himself to improve his motor skills day by day. He was a ripping skier, and I fully know he will rip again very soon. His positive attitude and sense of humor is truly inspiring, and helping me realize I can be as EPIC as I want, with no limits to what we as humans can push our bodies to do.

Winter Empowerment Athlete: Phil Hoban at OT w/ Denise Bowness from HighFivesFoundation on Vimeo.