March 10, 2011


As I sit here in the Las Vegas Airport, for the second time in two weeks, my body is not only recovering from the epic parties, but also the 16 mile run last week,, followed by the hardest circuit training class I have ever taken. It may sound easy, but try doing a pyramid of push ups, jump squats, and burpees (combo of push up and jump squat) for 20 minutes straight as fast as you can. You start at 1 each, and ending at 15 each. Essential it comes out to 120 reps of each. High 5 yourself if you can finish this in 20 minutes, because it is way harder than it sounds.

Speaking of way harder than it sounds and High Fives, check out this link of my man Phil Hoban making miracles happen. Only 2 months ago he was ripping down a chute at Squaw when his binding broke and unfortunately sent him into a rock, leaving his C4 and C5 severed. The doctors didn't think he would be walking or out of the hospital by now, but he is fully walking, and living back at home in Truckee. The fresh powder he now sees falling on the mountain only gives him more strength to keep pushing himself to improve his motor skills day by day. He was a ripping skier, and I fully know he will rip again very soon. His positive attitude and sense of humor is truly inspiring, and helping me realize I can be as EPIC as I want, with no limits to what we as humans can push our bodies to do.

Winter Empowerment Athlete: Phil Hoban at OT w/ Denise Bowness from HighFivesFoundation on Vimeo.

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