This year we have been using our EPIC MAN FACEBOOK PAGE as the main hub for updates & info. If you are on facebook, click the link above, or on the top right of this page to become a "fan". This will be the best way to stay up to date on info and the adventure. If you are not on facebook, um, well....hmmmm, you should be!
Only 3 weeks from today we will have (hopefully!) completed the Kayak, Bike, and Marathon stateside - and will be resting up (?! maybe) in Amsterdam getting ready to run the London Marathon. Between now and then, aside from avoiding injury, our main goal will be to drive participation and fundraising to help grant "Epic Wishes" through the Sisters Wish. These wishes will allow young people with challenging health situations to pursue a dream that will allow them to achieve or experience their own "Epic Man". Participation and Sponsorship will help grant multiple "Epic Wishes". Additionally, Will and Seth have committed to collectively funding an entire "Epic Wish" through our own fundraising efforts.
The Epic Man is about inspiring as many people as possible and challenging them to push their limits. We invite and encourage participation in the adventure in a number of ways. From doing the kayak or the bike ride with Will and Seth, to enjoying a brunch cruise alongside the boaters or joining one of the parties, the invitation is open to join our celebration of pushing the limits, health, fitness, community support, and of course – The “Epic” lifestyle. Every part of the Epic Man has a fundraising component, and all of the dollars we raise go directly to helping the charities we support.
The major charitable recipient is a Maine-based organization called The Sister’s Wish - which grants “wishes” to young adults (18-30) who are facing extraordinary health circumstances. It was founded by two sisters who lost their younger brother to a 20-year battle with cancer, only three days after losing their father to a freak accident, and exactly six years after losing their mother.

Muscle Milk has stepped up to the table and is funding AN ENTIRE EPIC WISH (WOO HOO!!) We hear Katie is going to try and make it out for the last 3 mile run / speed walk portion of the Epic Man.
SuccessFactors.com has also come forward in a strong way to help sponsor our journey to allow us to be able to take care of some necessary expenses which means more money goes towards granting Epic Wishes! Stay tuned to our FACEBOOK PAGE and right here at theepicman.com for updates on participation details, fundraising efforts, and our Epic Man 2010 journey.
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