…focusing on what can be done within one 24 hour period is quite extraordinary, year after year epic man takes this concept to new heights. and although it’s the mentality of ‘always being epic,’ it’s ideally the individuals in epic man that define what ‘being epic’ is. I continue to be inspired by what my team mates are doing for themselves, and others – all based on their personal goals and desires.
since the inception of epic man, the idea of time has always played a role in everyones journey. the physical aspect of epic man is certainly something difficult that very few people can get up one morning and accomplish. however – its what fuels each member to work to attain this goal of theirs to hike a certain distance, cycle over X amount of states, cross the finish line on boylston st or to simply get on their feet.
…and here I am one year later, asking myself – well, how did I get here?
its interesting to really take a step back and look at what has been accomplished in one year of your life, where you have been, the new people you have met, the priceless experiences you have shared – and the series of events that ultimately lead you to this very moment…and sooner or later, you ask – what can be accomplished in one 365 day year?
2011 was an epic year for me, about an hour after I crossed the finish line in boston, I got a job with an incredible company, working with an unbelievably great group of people.

…and sure, your job takes up a majority of your time (which you have to have fun with) – but where are you finding yourself? how do you choose to spend the rest of your time? the very moment I chose to partake in epic man, I was able to pinpoint how my time was spent and how it truly attributed to the person I was. I love to travel to new places, be on the go – and share those times with friends when I get the chance. this is certainly an inspiration I acquired from the original epic team; stretching the limits of where you could take the concept of ‘always being epic’ and sharing it with friends. with a crew of 20 large this year, its easy to see the inspiration from one member to the next, including myself. this holds true for the last year, solid times with solid people! a couple places where I often found myself in another part of the world:
running a radical 32 miles with new epic man team member, forrest, from brighton to mansfield in june of 2011 to go see a phish concert – all on behalf of motivating miles.

gaining steam with new epic man team member, nick – tearing apart northern california and staying with new hampshire native, ed, to run the santa rosa marathon! same as it ever was:

quality time with the family in chi-town:

spending bro time in central america, mingling with the natives………………………....
putting in some miles -
…and even behind the wheel of a different automobiles:
…while some of these epic experiences entail pushing yourself to the limit & maximizing every minute of the 24 hour day… the most important is making the most of every situation handed your way. no other athletes convey this idea better than our friends at high fives foundation. overcoming unbelievable odds and cultivating what IS willpower and strength is something that is truly epic. as epic man and high fives foundation continue to grow their bond – its amazing to see what these athletes are capable of. this past winter I was able to take a trip out to lake tahoe –
where I had the opportunity to high five with roy, phil and other members of high fives out in squaw valley. totally ‘living the dream,’ these athletes have continued to help others doing what they love. something that deeply resonated with me was being a part of helping a few athletes finally take some turns on the snow once again. albeit a small fraction – epic man has the ability to instill positivity and inspiration for one member to speak up, have some fun, hope to inspire and create a journey on behalf of others.
…this years journey of epic man 2012 will be nothing short of awesome. as I begin the one month countdown, what can be accomplished in one year almost becomes more prevalent as I look at epic man concept and ask, ‘how do I work this?’
this year I have combined two beloved hobbies of mine that stick out as I look back on the concept of time and how it is spent to find myself. once living in in the mountains of colorado and the coast of maine –snowboarding and hiking were part of a daily routine. this year, hiking tuckermans ravine and snowboarding down in the white mountains of nh before kayaking 2.5 miles, biking 157 miles overnight and running 26.2 miles will sync my long time love for these two activities – just in time for another epic journey with a great group of friends.

so, where does that highway go to in epic man 2013? I just hope I can say, ‘my god, what have I done?’
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